Cocoplums and Reading on the Victoria House Dock

Summer is the time for odd (to me) fruits and this time of year, these gorgeous bushes along the beach are bursting with a particularly strange one.  Cocoplums.   It’s a dark green glossy leaved shrub that first gets white tiny flowers and then these round “fruit”.  They start whitish and turn a pretty rosy pink…if the kids don’t grab them first.

Apparently you can make them into jelly.  (With the nuts!  I may have to try this…)

Not only does this shrub produce this fruit but it grows very close to the water and prevents beach erosion.


They are…hmmm….slightly perfume-y and the texture…cotton-y.  You’ll have to try them for yourself.  Pick the rosiest one you can.  Not my favorite.

Cocoplum also is the name of a small caye in Southern Belize with a resort that looks beyond gorgeous..if you “do instagram”.  Follow them.

Example.  Sigh…cocoplumOn a totally different subject, yesterday seemed like an excellent day to swim in the sea.  Something that, shamefully, I don’t do all that often.

My home base dock was covered in kids…so I walked south.  To the resort just down the beach – beautiful Victoria House.

A pretty day to lie out…

IMG_4867IMG_4869The view northward to town.


Catching up on all the important news in August 2015 Cosmo.

IMG_4881Time to head back home.


A look back over the pool…


and the outdoor patio.


With the total lack of rain we’ve had this year…it just may be the greenest spot on the caye.  Always gorgeous.


Please note:  I don’t just go hang out on resort docks on my usual days – though all docks in Belize are public between 6am and 6pm.  I try to respect that they are businesses with guests.   But it is September…and the slow season…and I was only there for an hour or two.

Plus, it was a beautiful day 🙂


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